Sometimes it just hurts a little too much to look back, move on, and leave it all behind.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Hello peeps! (;
It's the last day of 2011 ,
So ,
This post is also the last post of 2011.
And ,
I'm gonna to create a new blog for 2012 :D
Because this blog is really sucks ,
Can't change any background :O
I won't close this blog ,
Just let it stay at here ^^

Hmmm ,
How you guys countdown for 2012 tonight ?
With friends ? Or family ?
I'm going to Parkson countdown with my biao jie ^6^
Sis say she wanna stay at home watch movie -o-
Michelle say she also go Parkson :D
Xixi ^^ 看我们有缘吗 ^^

谢谢你们 ,
让我的2011过的那么快乐和精彩 :)
谢谢你们 ,
让我想到那些回忆时都会笑 :)
没有你们的明年 ,
我真的不知道会怎样 :(
我希望时间可以回到那时候 ,
我们第一次见面 ,
第一次讲话 ,
第一次大笑 :D
真的很想念那个时候 :)

把该留下的就留下 ,
该放下的就放下 :)
不要让那些不开心的回忆纠缠着自己 :)

谢谢你们 给了我那么多的回忆

2012 ,
Please treat us well :)